The Russian LGBT Network is first of all its people who work to ensure that the rights of the LGBT+ community are protected in Russia. The abbreviation LGBT+ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and other people, whose sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression does not fit into the so-called “conventional” categories.
The Russian LGBT Network is an interregional social movement and the largest human rights organization in Russia that deals with the rights of LGBT+ people.
The Russian LGBT Network was founded in May 2006, and has been operating for over a decade.
Our social ideal
We aspire to a society in which discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or sex variances does not exist. This includes a society in which gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and all other people can participate without fear of discrimination.
Our Structure
The Russian LGBT Network is the largest LGBT+ human rights organization in the country. It is an umbrella organization that not only unites individuals but brings together organizations and initiative groups that decided to become a part of a larger body.
The current structure of the LGBT Network was set in October 2008, when Moscow hosted the Russian national conference of social organizations in support of the LGBT movement, allowing the Russian LGBT Network to become an interregional social movement.
What does that mean?
It means that the Russian LGBT Network is an organization that operates all over the country. Our main office is located in Saint Petersburg. Several Russian cities host collective members (i.e. organizations or initiative groups that have decided to join forces with the Network), some places are linked to individual members (people who share the values of the movement and contribute to its operation), and certain locations have regional offices (if one city or region holds several individual members, they might unite with the aim of implementing their ideas together).
The Conference is the main governing body of the Russian LGBT Network. The Conference of the Russian LGBT Network is called at least once every three years. The most important decisions regarding the life of the movement are made at the Conference. In the years when the Conference is not called, its functions are performed by the Board of the Russian LGBT Network and the Interregional Coordination Board.
Individual Members
Anyone over the age of 18 who shares the mission and the values of the movement can become an individual member of the Russian LGBT Network and contribute to its operation.
Collective Members
Collective members are units, organizations and initiative groups that have become a part of the Russian LGBT Network. To become a collective member, these organizations or initiative groups should share the mission and the values of the movement as well as express willingness to contribute to its operation.
Regional Divisions
Regional divisions are the branches of the LGBT Network in regions throughout Russia. A regional division can be created when multiple individual members in the same city or region are willing to join together.
Board of the Russian LGBT Network
The Board of the Russian LGBT Network is one of the Movement’s principal bodies. The Board is responsible for implementing the Russian LGBT Network’s Strategic Plan and achieving the Movement’s primary objectives. The Board’s work is conducted on a voluntary basis and is unpaid.
The Board is elected by the Conference once every three years. Any individual member of the Russian LGBT Network can stand as a candidate to the Board. There are currently seven people on the Board of the Russian LGBT Network.
The Board has the authority to call the Conference and prepare the issues to be discussed, open and close regional divisions, accept and exclude participants, as well as cooperate with other organizations. Anyone can contact the Board by emailing the secretary at [email protected].
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